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RULES 2024





Who can Provide Healing and Resuscitation in game?


Only Secular Healers, Mages and Clerics can provide healing and resuscitation



  • To provide healing on a live patient (patient has at least 1 WP), you must: 

    • The patient must either kneel or be prone during the healing

    • Hold your healing kit or Casting Item in one hand and have the other free

    • Briefly roleplay the act of providing medical treatment using your props and chanting, praying, or conversing with your patient and use at least 10 words flavoured to your Archetype

    • Perform a Runestone test: 

      • Draw a single stone out and hold it aloft in full view of the patient

      • If a success stone is drawn, the healing is a success and all Wounds are restored.  

      • If a failure stone is drawn, the healing fails and a success stone is removed - the healer may not try to heal or resurrect that person again for at least 3 minutes.

  • Neither the healer or the patient can be engaged in combat or other activities. If you, or the patient, are struck anywhere during the process, the healing automatically fails.

  • You cannot heal yourself 



  • To perform Resuscitation on a dying patient (0 WP and has not bled out), as a healer you must do the same as for healing but the patient returns to life on 1 Wound Point .

  • If a failure stone is drawn, the Resuscitation fails - the healer may not try to heal or resuscitate that person again for at least 3 minutes.


Combined Healing and Resuscitation

  • Alternatively, rather than use a Runestone test, you can use your 30 second sand timer and roleplay combined healing and resuscitation.

  • When the timer runs out of sand, the person is restored to full Wounds. You must roleplay the act of providing medical treatment using your props and chanting, praying, or conversing with your patient for the full 30 seconds.

  • You cannot heal or resuscitate yourself.

  • If you have completely run out of runestones, you are exhausted and can not provide Healing or Resuscitation.


Change Log

  • 27 July 2024 - full replacement as part of Healing and Magic update

  • 7 August 2024 - Healing must hold their healer hit or Casting Item in one hand and have the other free 


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