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RULES 2024


Key Terms

These key terms are used to help define the rules and will be bolded and italicised to help identify them. More information on these key terms can be found in their relevant sections.

  • Ability: Means healing, fireballs/explosives, summoning, scholarly magic, magic item creation or potion making.

  • Artificer: Refers to a character who is a smith, rune smith, alchemist or engineer that uses science and technology for their abilities.

  • Archetype: The collective grouping of Artificers, Secular Healers, Clerics and Mages.  

  • Casting Item: Magic wand, Magic Rod, Magic Staff, Firesteel, Holy Symbol or Holy Weapon. 

  • Cleric: Refers to a character who is a druid, priest, priestess, monk, nun or other agent of the gods.

  • Enchantment: magic that strengthens and protects.

  • Firesteel: an iron d-shaped object 5.5cm long used to strike a flint to make sparks - used by Artificers

  • Grimoire: A book containing information appropriate to your lore (Cover minimum 17x15cm, 5 cm thick) e.g. a wizard’s grimoire containing their spells, cleric’s prayer book, surgeons anatomy drawings, Artificers theories etc. Note: this is an actual book, preferably leather bound,  you will need to write in.

  • Holy Weapon: a cleric's 2 handed weapon specific to their deity.

  • Magic Rod: a LARP safe 1 handed rod up to 125cm long  used to cast spells, which is decorated in a  lore appropriate way, cane or one handed staff. A good example made by Kazra, one of our local crafters, can be seen below â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹Cannot be used by a martial character (non-Archetype).

  • Magic Staff: a LARP safe 2 handed staff 130-215 cm long including a lore appropriate wizard/clerical topper (10cm x 20cm) used to cast spells. Cannot be used by a martial character (non-Archetype).

  • Magic Wand: a LARP safe) wand up to 50cm long used to cast spells (this is not a band wand). Note: Epic Armoury Wands with polyurethane foam around a bendable steel core are permitted - the wooden core version is not permitted. Cannot be used by a martial character (non-Archetype).

  • Secular Healer: Refers to characters which do not use magic or divine methods to perform healing.

  • Roleplay Magic: Magic that is performed in the theatre of the mind, to convey physically difficult effects but has no in-game effects unless approved by the Story team at a Roleplay Event.

  • Runestone Test: The method for determining whether an Ability has been used successfully or without consequences.

  • Sand Timer: an ornate sand timer used to measure healing and casting times. The required timer is for 30 seconds but longer timers can be used for longer duration spells and enchantments.

  • Spell: Short phrase of words used to enhance roleplay. Previously known as “Veritas” magic.

  • Place of Power: A ritual site at events as marked by event organisers.

  • Mage: Refers to a character who draws on magic to perform abilities. 



Artificers, Secular Healers, Cleris and Mages harness the powers of Science, Chirurgery & Medicine, Alchemy, the Winds of Magic and the Gods/esses to perform healing and create powerful effects on the battlefield and beyond. 



  1. Practical

  2. Easy to see

  3. Easy to react to


Types of Abilities

  • Healing

  • Fireballs/Explosives

  • Summoning

  • Scholarly Magic 

    • Spells

    • Enchantment

  • Dark Bargains and Corruption

  • Magic items (see magic item rules)

  • Potions (see potion rules)


Change Log

  • 27 July 2024 - complete replacement of Magic rules

  • 29 July 2024:

    • No changing Archetpyes and no changing back and forth with a martial types.

    • No using Magic Staffs, Rods or Wands by martial characters (non-Archetypes).

    • Better Magic Rod example added

  • 7 August 2024:​

    • Casting Item definition added​

    • Firesteel for Artificer's added

    • Holy weapon definition added


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