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RULES 2024

Roleplay/Theatrical Magic

Only Mages and Clerics can use roleplay/theatrical magic


Concept and Scale

  • Roleplay Magic is only available at Swordcraft roleplay focussed events and is not available during weekly battle games.

  • During the course of play, there may become a need to make use of theatrical and interactive techniques to simulate magic casting or effects. Roleplay magic adds an additional layer of immersion by allowing players to simulate the use of magical abilities in the game.

  • There may be situations where spells or effects do not exist in these rules. This may require players to perform spells or rituals where they would be available to the Caster based on the Lore of Magic, or Deity.

  • Swordcraft: Blood and Gold is a small-town level scale of magic. Spell casting Archetypes in the setting are minor or apprentice level wizards and low level clerics. Even elven mages in the setting will be minor in power.

  • Rituals and spells must not be grand or world-altering. Rituals and magic should not affect more than the scale of the setting and then only with Magick Marshal and GM approval. 

  • If these are necessary for the storyline of an event, those who need to know the function of these spells and effects will be informed in advance by the Story Team. Any magic done this way requires the full consent of all parties involved.

  • Roleplay magic cannot affect the overarching story of an event without Story Team approval.

  • Roleplay Magic cannot affect or seek to modify or change the Swordcraft Rules as published in the Player Handbook. This also includes overcoming any approved magical items effects without the presence of a Magick Marshal.

  • Roleplay magic is where characters force the winds to obey them or beg their deity to be blessed with enough power to overcome the trials in front of them for a short period of time. 


Categories of Roleplay Magic

Roleplay Magic at Swordcraft falls into the below categories 

  • Minor Roleplay Magic

    • Examples

      • An Aqshy Wizard lighting a bonfire (theatrical)

      • Minor magics that make people laugh, are easy to cure, or for entertainment purposes can not cause more harm than the strike of a sword.

    • Requirements 

      • No Magic Marshal Required

      • Minor Roleplay (30 seconds)

  • Intermediate Roleplay Magic

    • Examples

      • Stealing a characters Memories 

      • Modifying or creating a Magical Item 

    • Requirements 

    • 3 Spell Casters 

    • 30 minutes of roleplay 

    • Magic Marshal to witness and guide stone draw every 15 minutes 

  • Major Roleplay Magic

    • Examples

      • Removing, moving or stealing a character’s soul.  

      • Removing deep rooted chaos taint from a character 

    • Requirements 

      • 4 Spell Casters

    • 45 minutes of roleplay 

    • Magic Marshal to witness and guide stone draw every 15 minutes​

  • There are many circumstances that roleplay magic can not circumvent within Swordcraft. Magic can not be used as a solution to overcome all problems. 

  • Permanent or “perma” death is one example that roleplay magic cannot overcome. A perma death is a roleplay decision that is made where you choose not to respawn or be healed and declare your character dead and no longer playable. The moment a player announces permadeath, this is irreversible. 



  • 31 July 2024: Clarification that roleplay magic cannot affect the overarching story of an event without Story Team approval.


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