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RULES 2024



You have a number of Wound Points as follows:

​Base Wound Points:        3

  • Armour and banners may provide extra Wound Points.

  • You are mortally wounded/dying if you get to 0 Wound Points.

  • If you are mortally wounded/dying you can no longer engage in combat or any other actions - drop to the ground, or hold your weapon upside down and either drop to one knee or flee the battlefield.  No standing around on the battlefield as it confuses other players.

  • Remember - the mortally wounded don’t engage in chats - no more sounds other than soft groaning in pain. 

  • You may crawl or stagger out of the immediate vicinity of an active line-fight (no more than a few metres) until you are physically safe. 

  • A dying player can only be moved by two other people (one on each side) carrying/supporting them. 



For general Swordcraft LTD related enquiries please email


For feedback and complaints please email


For specific Swordcraft chapter related enquiries please see our chapter pages for more information on how to contact. 


Swordcraft Ltd (ACN 161 227 532) is a non for profit company limited by guarantee (a common structure for community and sporting groups) with the sole purpose of developing and promoting the game of Swordcraft as a medieval fantasy community, fest event, battle game and LARP. Swordcraft Ltd uses all revenue generated to support and grow Swordcraft and does not distribute any profits to members or officers.

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© 2023 by SWORDCRAFT Ltd., website designed by Heather Clark and Jeff Krins

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