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RULES 2024



  • A warband may field a banner and gain bonus Wound Points for its members. Only players in the warbands’ costuming may claim the bonus points.

  • Warband Banner: Must be themed to the Warband and at least 2.4m tall with the banner pole ends capped to make them safe. 

  • To claim the bonus points:

    • The members of the warband must, at the commencement of a battle or at the commencement of a quarter during a battle game, gather around the warband’s banner, and roleplay praying for the favour of your warband’s patron Warhammer Fantasy god or goddess - this roleplay must be a reasonable show. 

    • The warband banner must be carried on the field by a banner bearer. 

  • Banner bearer requirements: 1 free hand to hold the banner, no shield, and must stay with the on-field warband leader at all times). You cannot perform other roles such as healing or Spellcrafting/Crafting magic while you are the banner bearer.

  • The Banner bearer may use the banner pole to block melee attacks if the butt of the banner is on the ground.


Banner Points

Warband banner                     +1 Wound Point

Warband banner bearer        +1 Wound Point



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